Filming - Part 1

We have so far comleted two days filming for our music video which include the scenes in Telford Plaza and the live gig in Wolverhampton.

Whilst at the Modern Mafia gig in Wolverhampton, we set up the three cameras at different angles in the room as we would only have one chance to capture the live footage. By using three camera's we also ensured a variety of camera angles that we could use in the final music video after editing. We set the camera's up in this format.

The green squares are our cameras which we placed so that we would have a variety of angles (one straight on the whole band, one with a side angle and one at the side but on close up of the singers face). This worked out really well when we looked back at our footage and we hope to be able to use most of the footage we captured but we may have to edit it slightly because the lighting was not varied and the band was well lit with average lighting but this may be to our advantage when it comes to filming as we might be able to use more conventions of this genre than originally aimed for.

At the Telford Plaza, we filmed a variety of clips that we had planned to take as well as some spontenious ideas that looked quite good when we looked back at the footage. The filming at this location was delayed by one lesson in order to get all of the planning completed and also to ensure that we had enough understanding of what we were filming on the day and where exactly we were filming (even though we didn't quite stick to this).

The filming went quite smoothly with no complications as of yet. We just have a few more scenes to film before it's all done and ready to edit. Hopefully, we should have this done in a few more lessons, due to the distance between filming locations and arranging times with our band.

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