Deciding the brief

After much deliberation, our team has decided to use the music promotional package brief for our A2 coursework. We chose the music video brief for a range of reasons even though there are some disadvantages for completing this brief like there would be for any of the other briefs given to choose from.

There are many advantages to using this brief for our coursework such as that we experience music videos daily as part of our media intake as teenagers. Our knowledge of music videos and our exposure to them regularly will help us know what videos work well (the ones that appeal to audiences) and why they work well (what is so good about them) which we can then incorporate the conventions into our own music video.
Another reason to choosing this particular brief is the simple fact that it is very different to what we did last year for our AS coursework. This difference will enable us to develop our practical skills and become more creative with our work. Also, the knowledge we will have gained by completing this brief will help us to use the skills we have learnt in other situations in the future.

For the music promotional package brief, it also involves using different people in the product in order to make it successful, for example in a music video we will need to work with dancers rather than actors. This is an advantage to us for a variety of reasons as we will have no need to make a script for dialogue and most people will be using actors rather than dancers in their products for A2 media studies which will mean that it will be easier to get some dancers together and work with them.

Dependent on the song we choose to make the music video we may have a client which will enable us to imitate a professional setting. For example, if we choose to make a music video for an unsigned band who are currently looking for a record deal we will be given requirements and have a client which we can check everything. This, however, is dependant on if we use an unsigned acts song or a published song with a music video already. If we chose to use the latter, we may get tempted to copy parts of the original video which would mean the video would be similar to the original. There is also the issue that we might not be able to match the original (which would be shown in comparison) because of funding, editing software competency, etc.

As with all of the briefs there are disadvantages that we have identified and hope to tackle in the production of our music video. We have established that the main disadvantages are the editing for the music video because our skills using the editing software are limited and in this brief we know that we will have to include lip syncing and making sure the changes in camera angles are quick and professional in transition. Also, from analysing other music videos, the editing in this type of product is far more complicated than our previous experience of a thriller film opening. To overcome this we will have to plan anything we want to use in the editing software and then learn and practise how to do it before the final editing. This is time consuming but we feel that if we do this we will be able to produce a better product that looks professional and of a high standard.

Another disadvantage would be that we have never produced a music promotional package before (both the music video and the print texts) which will have to be thoroughly researched and planned out before the production takes place. We will have to use our knowledge of different techniques and also what we have found out in our research in order to make the product successful.

Finding of dancers, actors and band members may be difficult in the process of production and also making sure the video looks realistic and professional by use of extras. We realise that the logistics of putting a whole choreographed dance video together is quite challenging but we are keen to use conventions found in music videos already produced. It may be hard to find sufficient amount of participants in our music video but I am sure that if we use favours from our friends and family we will be able to do it. The arrangement of shooting times will also be difficult because of when people have frees in college and if anybody else we use in the video are from different schools and colleges we will have to arrange filming at a time which will be good for everybody.

In order to make the music video successful despite the disadvantages of the brief that we have chosen we will have to stick to the conventions of music videos and for the particular genre from the start of production using the research and planning that will be done before producing the product. We must decide whether the video will follow a storyline or be all about the performance of the song.

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AS media studies - the beginning

During my AS media studies year, I learnt a variety of skills and ideas through the theory classes and practical experience. By having these skills I was able to complete the coursework to a high standard as my knowledge was complete and I was confident in the work that I was doing because of the thorough research and planning I had completed before producing and editing the coursework and preliminary tasks.

In the practical work completed in the AS media studies, I learnt a variety of techniques (such as shot reverse shot, editing using the mac computers, etc) which I then practiced and perfected with time. This enabled me to understand, identify and use the techniques which was shown to me and then use in other situations, such as the final exam when we analyzed a Dr. Who extract. All the practical techniques that I learnt helped me to complete my coursework and gave me new knowledge that I would have been lost without (especially using the mac computers). By having copies of notes about how to do this shot or how to do this on the editing software helped me to remember and learn what to do by memory but also to try other things that I had not been shown how to do but was on the worksheets. When producing the coursework, there was a lot of trial and error but I learnt from the mistakes and felt good with the end result when I saw the final product that I had produced. I now feel confident in moving these skills onto A2 coursework and develop them further with the new products we will be producing.

In the theory classes during AS media, I learned more about the theory to the techniques I had used in the coursework and preliminary tasks, and also gained more understanding in the codes and conventions, theories and stereotypes within the media. This gave me a more thorough knowledge of the media I would experience when out and about and that I would be able to understand why they had used the tag line or where they put the picture in a poster. Also, during our theory classes, we gained knowledge of the audiences and genres of products through the theories again (for example, Blumner and Katz's uses and gratifications theory). I also found that all the micro and macro elements could be placed into catorgories or genres which made learning them easier for the exam. By having learnt all the theory behind the practical it enabled to plan more efficiently as I know what shots work together well and what effects I could use and how they would appeal to audiences and fit the different stereotypes in the media - this will also be helpful for my A2 coursework as I can apply the same knowledge to the planning and develop it further with my own individual research of techniques.

As always, I have strengths and weaknesses in my production skills as everybody has and I find that mine vary dependent on the technology I was using. I found my strengths were in the research, planning and filming aspects of the production of the product whereas my weaknesses were in the editing sides of the work. I found that I worked well using the camera, microphone, and other technology in the production of the crime film unlike the mac computers used for the editing (which I was more reliant on the worksheets given by Harvinder).

On the mac computers, I was not very good at using the editing software installed (Final Cut). I found myself constantly referring to the worksheets and using a lot of trial and error with the effects I used. However, the use of garageband on the mac computers was slightly better in terms of me being more competent with the software (which was probably through my musical background and using music software before) and it was quite easy to produce the music within the time limit we had. I would really like to get better with Final Cut on the mac computers which I hope I will do in A2 media.

On the windows computers which I used for typing up any written work (research and planning) I was really competent because I interact regularly with this type of computer and its software - which I feel came across in the presentation of my final submission. I am competent with the software installed on these computers and used many of the windows applications such as Word, Powerpoint and Excel for the planning and research of my coursework. I would like to improve my skills on Powerpoint in order to be more creative in presenting work and also to make it a little more interactive.

From completing AS media, I feel that I worked really well in completing the tasks set by Harvinder and thus doing well in the final exam. I plan on doing everything I did last time but in more detail when it comes to A2 coursework and preliminary tasks. I also plan on making more notes in class and enjoying my time in college doing A2 media by working with a range of people and developing my ability to work with different people whilst creating a product. From AS media, I have learnt a lot, from camera angles, showing and identifying stereotypes and that there are different codes and conventions for every genre and product.

At AS media studies I achieved an 'A' grade overall and I aim to have the same grade at the end of A2.

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