Due to our ideas being set in a variety of locations, we will have to travel to find appropriate shooting locations. This year, it will be easier to do because of Kate being able to drive we will be able to go shoot at any time other than class time and to locations further away from the college. This enables us to have more choice in locations but also makes it slightly harder to find the perfect location to shoot in.
For each scene, we will be at different locations so we will have to plan ahead of time where and when we are going to film in order to make it convenient for everybody needed in the production of the scenes. We have five different locations to film at so we are going to have to make sure that we are quick in every location whilst maintaining a good standard in filming in order to stick to our time plan.
One of our scenes is going to be shot at a live gig that our band will be performing at. This gig is going to be our only shoot for the performance part of the video so we need to make sure that we have good footage throughout the performance so that we can intergrate it into the music video. The gig will be filmed at the M.E.B bar, Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton on Friday 16th October 2009 which will be our first official day of filming.

Another of our scenes is going to be filmed in the grounds of the Telford Plaza, near Telford Town Centre. We chose this location because it is a busy place during the day and also the office towers give the impression of the city. We are hoping that when we film this scene that the weather will be overcast or raining so that there is a clear difference in time between the memories and the present. We are planning to film this on........
The next scene we are going to film is going to be shot in Shifnal High Street in order to give a small town feeling to audiences. We chose this location because many musicians like to show a mixture of town and city locations in order to display contrast to audiences and make the music video entertaining. We hope that on this day it will be good weather and be slightly overcast in order to create a realistic day that will also be common for us to be able to film on. We are planning to film this on......

Another scene we will be filming is going to be in a field outside Shifnal that has public access (in order not to trespass onto private property). We chose this to be the location for our final scene because we hope to make it contrast with our other chosen locations to make it seem like a finale. Because of wanting it to contrast to the other locations we hope that we will be able to film this scene at sunset on a clear or cloudy day so that all the different colours are shown in the sky. We hope to film at this location at the same time as filming in Shifnal High Street.
The next location that we plan to film at will be at college using the multiple panel windows in the A block because we need a large window in order to get the full image right, as well as to create the right look that we are aiming for in this scene. We want it to be raining against the window as well, so it might be easier to film at college because of the time of year we will be filming and it will also be the last scene that we will be filming before editing the music video.
This range of different locations will be a challenge to film in the time limit we have but incase we need more time or need more clips we have decided that we can also film during half term to make sure that there are no problems in the footage we are collected.