Reflection So Far...
So far we have completed rather a lot of whats needed for our coursework, including our research and planning as well as already filmed and captured half of our footage that we hope to use in the music video.
The research that we have both completed has impacted our choices and opinions on genres of music to create a music video for. By completing research on both the print and moving image products it has enabled us to know the conventions of each style of music as well as how it links to the artists preferences and style. However, by focusing the research only on posters and magazine covers it doesn't really link to our brief and all of the products that we are required to make (a music DVD covers and poster).
After completing our initial research we began planning our music video and print products but the first big decision was upon us which prevented us going straight into the project. This problem was the song choice for the coursework. We had to decide on which song to use and whether we would go with a popular song by a signed artist or with a recorded unsigned bands track. After weighing up the pro's and con's with signed and unsigned artists we decided to go forward with the unsigned artist, however after we passed this first hurdle we came up to more - which unsigned artist and which song. We had narrowed it down to two different bands with one song for each one and brainstormed our ideas for each song before deciding which one that we thought that we could pull off well with the sources that we had available. We eventually decided on one song that we both like and feel that we could do a lot with it and have not looked back on our choice negatively.
We have so far completed half of our filming and have only two more locations to film at before we can begin editing. Over the past week and half term, the filming came to a stand still due to our actors availability during this time but we have scheduled for all of the actors to be available on Monday 9th November in order to complete our filming.
Due to this overrun in our filming schedule, we have however been able to start on our print products completely and have so far created the outside covers for the music DVD. However, we are currently not completely satisfied with the outlook of these covers and therefore will probably make changes to them once we have a draft product to work on and improve.
Hopefully, we will be back on track soon as well will be putting in extra hours on this work in order to make sure that we have completed everything we want to our own high standards by the deadline for the coursework (*fingers crossed*).